California's Central Coast's top printing services for businesses. We provide all your branding needs for San Luis Obispo, Santa Maria, Paso Robles, and more.

7"(L) x 9 3/4"(H)

Personalized 7" x 9 3/4" leatherette notebook with lined paper. Nicely bound at the spine, this journal is sure to impress when given as a gift or promotional item. Serves as a great employee gift or branding tool when engraved with your logo. Leatherette offers the look and feel of genuine leather at a fraction of the price. This richly textured, synthetic material resists water spots, cleans easily, and is durable enough for the rigors of daily use. The high-quality workmanship of each leatherette piece is sure to impress every recipient with its elegant individuality.

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Dark BrownBlack/GoldRawhideGrayRosePinkBlack/SilverCorkTealMarbleRedBlue
Total : $34.38
Unit Price:$34.38
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Estimated Total : $34.38